Global Ethics Forum 2024
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speaker 0
Martin Chungong
speaker 1
Alexander Kriebitz
speaker 2
Alexander Finger
Chief Technology Officer
speaker 3
Alexandre Maaza
Sustainability Lead, Board Member of INATBA
speaker 4
Alison Hilliard
Senior Programme Director
speaker 5
Amélé Ekué
Academic Dean at Globethics
speaker 6
André Schneider
CEO at Geneva Airport
speaker 7
Asha Kanwar
Chair, Governing Board
speaker 8
Bi Xiaohan
Deputy Director
speaker 9
Bryan Robinson
Academic Head; President
speaker 10
Christoph Stückelberger
Founder and President
speaker 11
Corinne Momal-Vanian
Executive Director
speaker 12
Davide Rodogno
Head of Interdisciplinary Programmes
speaker 13
Dicky Sofjan
Core Doctoral Faculty
speaker 14
Divya Singh
Chief Academic Officer
speaker 15
Dora Yang
Founder and CEO
speaker 16
Dror Rubin
Chief Facilitator & Field Coordinator Religious Engagement
speaker 17
Ebba Ossiannilsson
Executive Committee Member
speaker 18
Elena Torresani
Head of Communications & Partnerships
speaker 19
Emanuela Ceva
Professor of Political Theory
speaker 20
Etienne Eichenberger
speaker 21
Fadi Daou
Executive Director
speaker 22
Frédéric Esposito
Director of International Relations Department
speaker 23
Georges Enderle
Professor Emeritus, Concurrent Professor
speaker 24
Georgios Vlantis
Research Associate; Director
speaker 25
Gita Steiner-Khamsi
Chair for Comparative Educational Policies
speaker 26
Giuseppe Ugazio
Associate Professor, Chair Behavioral Philanthropy & Finance
speaker 27
Hind bint Abdulrahman Al Muftah
Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN Office in Geneva
speaker 28
Ignace Haaz
Managing Editor at Globethics
speaker 29
Ignacio Packer
Executive Director
speaker 30
Jenny Phillips
Dean, Faculty of Business and Law
speaker 31
Jérôme Eschbach
Head of Sustainable Solutions
speaker 32
Julien Thöni
Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative
speaker 33
Kamel Ayadi
International Consultant and Civil Society Activist
speaker 34
Kenneth Mtata
Programme Director for Public Witness and Diakonia
speaker 35
Khushwant Singh
Head of Secretariat
speaker 36
Klaus Moosmayer
Member of the Executive Committee and Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer of Novartis
speaker 37
Laurent Jimaja
Maire de Grand Saconnex
speaker 38
Lawrence Chong
CEO and Founder at Consulus
speaker 39
Liezl Groenewald
Chief Executive Officer
speaker 40
Lilach Zacharia-Trabelsi
Managing Director; Professor
speaker 41
Liu Baocheng
speaker 42
Lucía Bosoer
Project Associate
speaker 43
Luyu Wu
speaker 44
Malika Parent
Good Governance, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Advisor
speaker 45
Marcel Van de Voorde
speaker 46
María Peña
Chief Risk & Compliance Officer
speaker 47
Marie-Laure Salles
speaker 48
Marine Hadengue
Executive Director
speaker 49
Maximilien Roche
speaker 50
Melchior De Muralt
Managing partner; Co-founder
speaker 51
Melissa Parke
Executive Director
speaker 52
Michael Wiener
Human Rights Officer
speaker 53
Miroslav Cerar
Professor, Faculty of Law; Former Prime Minister of Slovenia
speaker 54
Muhammadou M.O. Kah
speaker 55
Nathalie Fontanet
President of the State Council of Republic and Canton of GE
speaker 56
Nikolaos Dimitriadis
speaker 57
Nina Hoas
Head of LGT Philanthropy Advisory
speaker 58
Nolita Mvunelo
Programme Manager
speaker 59
Noor Alkhadhar
Product Manager
speaker 60
Norman Beveridge
Former Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer
speaker 61
Obiora Ike
Professor of Ethics and Intercultural Studies
speaker 62
Paul Martens
Associate Professor of Ethics; Director
speaker 63
Pavan Duggal
Founder and Chairman
speaker 64
Reine Essobmadje
Co-founder of Digital Coalition; CEO
speaker 65
Romaine Jean
speaker 66
Rudelmar Bueno de Faria
Secretary General
speaker 67
Safak Pavey
Senior Advisor at UNHCR
speaker 68
Santiago Bellomo
Dean of the Faculty of Education
speaker 69
Sarah Noble
Head of Global Engagement
speaker 70
Sarah Markiewicz
Advisor on Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue
speaker 71
Shachi Gurumayum
Founder; Director
speaker 72
Sidra Raslan
Co-coordinating Director, Creative Leadership
speaker 73
Sogol Mirzaei
speaker 74
Steven Hartman
Executive Director
speaker 75
Thierry Malleret
Founder at Summit of Minds
speaker 76
Tovar Da Silva Nunes
speaker 77
Vincent Subilia
Executive Director
speaker 78
Wallace Cheng
Head of Impact, Innovation and Development